“Kirschen fürs Kamel”, neues Buch über Begriffe des Zusammenlebens

Kirschen fürs Kamel, Susanna Rieder Verlag 2023 Begriffe des Zusammenlebens in Wörtern und Bildern erklärt Monotypieillustrationen Longlist 2024 in der Kategorie Junior-Wissensbücher „Kirschen…

Reportagen Magazin

Illustrations for Reportagen Magazin editorial illustration, blotted line Two illustrations for the article “The Pistachio Champion” by Noemi Kiss. Ádám…

Portrait for The New York Review of Books

Portrait of Louise Glück for The New York Review of Books , AD Leanne Shapton Anahid Nersessian writes about Winter…

Illustrations for the Elbphilharmonie Magazine – chosen for American Illustration 42!

Illustrations for @elbphilharmonie magazine about Joseph Haydn and the unknown side of the First Viennese School. 🎶  Chosen – American Illustration 42

“Hunde im Futur” – eine Grammatik in Bildern

Nominiert für den Deutschen Jugendliteraturpreis 2022 in der Sparte Sachbuch und für den Serafina- der Preis für Illustration 2021!!! „Hunde…

magazinillustration monotype arindacraciun blottedline


Blotted line ink drawings check also my shop for custom portraits in this technique!

Girls and young Women in Political Decision Making

Illustrations for a conference booklet with the theme “Girls and young Women in Political Decision Making” – organized by Kukma…

Redrawing Black History

In the past weeks I took the online course „Redrawing Black History“ with Tamisha Anthony and Lilla Rogers. I learned…

Illustrations for Scena 9 – Interview with writer and editor Bogdan Alexandru Stănescu on Literature

Interview by Andra Matzal from Scena9 with Bogdan Alexandru Stanescu, writer and editor

American Illustration 38 – Wine Supplements Cover for Süddeutsche Newspaper

The summer cover has been chosen for the American Illustration 38 archive Editorial illustrations for Süddeutsche Zeitung Vinothek MerkenMerken

tuberlin gendergerechte sprache blottedline print arindacraciun

Technische Universität Berlin

Illustrationen für den Sprachleitfaden des Koordinationsbüros für Frauenförderung und Gleichstellung der Technischen Universität Berlin mit Empfehlungen und praktischen Tipps für…

200best illustrator

My work has been selected for the 200 Best Illustrators Annual 2018/19!

I am very happy that some of my work has been selected for the 200 Best Illustrators 2018/19 worldwide annual…

Illustrations and comics for the University of Bremen

Illustrations and comics for the University of Bremen – project TraMiS (“Transnational mobility in schools”). How can schools deal effectively…

Summer in Brandenburg – Sketchbook

I have been a few days on a lovely summer trip with my colleagues @biancaschaalburg_illustration and @constanze_illustrates  from Atelier Petit 4 ☀️💕✨ Here…

Silent Comic in Illozine 32

A silent comic on the consequences of the strict demographic policy in communist Romania, when abortion and contraception were completely…

Spot Illustrations

Illustrations for graphic designer Gerhard Kirchschläger


Some of my sketches this year in Italy between Bari and Ostuni Markers on paper

portraits gender

Podcast Series “Our Voices, our Choices”

Illustrations for a Podcast Series on gender produced by the Heinrich Böll Foundation Illustrationen für Podcast-Serie zu folgenden Themen: Queeres Schreiben…

Illustrations Mein schönes Zuhause

vier Hausbaue-Typen für ein Test der Zeitschrift Mein schönes Zuhause, hier sind die finalen Illustrationen: Haustyp-Test  

Freistil 6 – The Book of Illustrators

Mein Beitrag im Freistil 6 im Verlag Hermann Schmidt  Illustration für die Veranstaltung der Heinrich Böll Stiftung: Das Epochenjahr 1917: (Alb-) Traum…

Anni Albers Comic

Work in process, a graphic novel about Anni Albers, Bauhaus textile artist